

Racism and Bias / Worker Justice

Confronting Xenophobia

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On any given night, 10% of students at North Lawndale College Prep on Chicago’s South Side experiences housing instability and homelessness. These challenges often contribute to poor school performance. The Night Ministry, Old St. Patrick’s Church, the North Lawndale Neighborhood Association, and leadership from the Chicago Public School banded together to support these students in crisis. The “Kinship Initiative” features wraparound services for North Lawndale College Prep students to help them stay in school and focus on building successful futures.
Bias and Bigotry Forgiveness Hate Crimes Human Dignity Religious Bias Xenophobia

I Had A Dream Last Night

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Spoken word artist Muhibb Dyer performs his powerful poem affirming the inherent dignity of all humans, incarcerated and free. He is featured in the new documentary MILWAUKEE 53206 that chronicles the lives of those affected by incarceration in America’s most incarcerated zip code.
Bias and Bigotry Black Lives Matter God’s Beloved Hope Human Dignity Racial Discrimination Redemption

Life After Hate

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In the 1990s Arno Michaelis was a white supremacist, lead singer of hate metal band Centurion, and member of a skinhead gang. The love shown to him by his Jewish boss, and then by his Black co-worker, changed him in ways he could never have expected.
Combatting Anti-Semitism Hate Crimes Unity From Troublemaker to Peacemaker White Supremacy Xenophobia

Reverend Derrick Harkins: Our Foundation of Diversity

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Reverend Derrick Harkins examines the United States’ rich heritage of diversity from its founding fathers to now. He calls on faith communities to pay attention to how our rhetoric can become enflamed and create division. He asks us to link arm and arm with those who may seem “other” and toward engaging in peaceful dialogue.
American Exceptionalism Bias and Bigotry Ethnocentrism Religious Diversity Theology of Difference Unity Amid Diversity

What Is a Hate Crime?

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Recent statistics show hate crimes have been on the rise in the United States. What is “hate” and when did it become an official crime? The film presents the legal definition of a hate crime and then details the history of hate crimes following the Civil War and the emancipation of slaves through today.
Bias and Bigotry Hate Crimes Hate Crime Legislation Human Dignity Increase in Hate Crimes Religious Bias Xenophobia

Working in America

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How do we value work in America? How do we value the worker, the person behind the work? How does our work inform our life, faith, and community? These are questions at the heart of the exhibit, Working in America, a multi-platform documentary initiative chronicling the everyday challenges, triumphs, and realities of working. This powerful project, inspired by the 40th anniversary of Studs Terkel’s influential publication, Working, explores the meaning of work and the physical and psychological realities of working in America today.
Dignity of the Worker Human Dignity Living Wage Worker Justice Vocation

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