
Resources to Help learn, listen and heal

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Communal Trauma


Healing the Healers Our multimedia project was created to support faith leaders and nurture thriving faith communities during trauma like the events of last week. Below are links to excellent videos and curated expert resources to use as congregational tools, classroom resources, or self-care to help navigate extremism, movements, and trauma.

Free written resources from experts in trauma and healing taken from our first Healing the Healers series on Communal Trauma.

Four of our Town Halls presented last year have video and expert-curated resources to help in racial justice, movements, and extremism:

Movement Chaplaincy
Preaching During Crisis
Election Extremism I
Election Extremism II[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Racial Justice


Explore systemic racism in our nation and how racial injustice impacts our fellow citizens, families and communities. Below are links to films to use immediately in classrooms, at your non profit or your workplace

Run For His Life available on GQSports. This ten-minute documentary follows Pete Monsanto, a celebrity photographer with a father-sized hole in his life. When he was just six years old, Pete’s father, Peter Monsanto, was arrested and convicted of racketeering and sentenced to life without parole. Pete remembers vividly when he was just six years old and law enforcement burst into his home in the middle of the night and took his father away. Watch as he runs the New York marathon for and ‘with’ his father celebrating the strength of their relationship.

Trapped: Cash Bail in America available on YouTube Real Stories. A powerful documentary shining a light on our deeply flawed criminal justice system and the activists working to reform it. Explore the growing movement to end the inherent economic and racial inequalities of cash bail while highlighting victims impacted by an unjust system, the tireless campaigners fighting for criminal justice reform, and a bail industry lobbying to maintain the status quo.

For personal or corporate viewing:

The Rape of Recy Taylor Ms. Recy Taylor, a 24-year-old Black mother, and sharecropper, was gang-raped by six white boys in 1944 Alabama. Common in Jim Crow South, few women spoke up in fear for their lives. Not Recy Taylor, who bravely identified her rapists. The NAACP sent its chief rape investigator Rosa Parks, who rallied support and triggered an unprecedented outcry for justice. Contact screenings@odyssey-impact.org to learn how you can watch this film (fees may apply).

Milwaukee 53206 chronicles the lives of those living in the ZIP code that incarcerates the highest percentage of Black men in America, up to 62%. Witness the high toll that mass incarceration takes on individuals and families that make up the community. The Social Impact Campaign culminated with the release of the main character, Mr. Baron Walker, being paroled after 22 years of ‘over-incarceration’ after a lawyer saw the documentary! Contact screenings@odyssey-impact.org to learn how you can watch this film (fees may apply).[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]



Hate drives the division we saw last week. Below are links to resources to help navigate the discussion of hate and how to respond to be used immediately in classrooms, for your personal or workplace.

Life After Hate on Odyssey Impact®’s YouTube Channel. A perfect example of hope in three minutes. Watch this short video about how compassion transforms a man’s life. In the 1990s Arno Michaelis was a white supremacist and lead singer of hate metal band Centurion, but the kindness shown to him by his Jewish boss changed him in ways he could never have expected.

For personal or corporate viewing:

Stranger / Sister a short documentary launching a social impact campaign in March – the trailer is available today! Explore the documentary Stranger/Sister, the story of two ordinary women, one Muslim and one Jewish, who dare to believe they can join hands to stop the wave of hate. Join the campaign, launching this Spring, and discover the power of relationships over hate. Contact screenings@odyssey-impact.org to learn how you can watch this film (fees may apply).[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Hundred of Issue Focused Short Videos


The Odyssey Impact® YouTube Channel holds over 500 short videos exploring issues of faith, racial justice, and responding to hate. Many filmed years ago and sadly are still relevant today. They can be used in congregations, classrooms or for personal use.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]