
Explore Our COVID-19 Articles

We’re Not Ready for This Kind of Grief

According to my mother, there are two unique forms of grief that everyone touched by war understands. There’s the grief associated with the loss of human life—through bombings and brutal combat, and through the disease that runs rampant when health care and all other social services are halted.

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How Should Christians Act During a Pandemic?

Churches are usually packed this week, the holiest on the Christian calendar. But this year, with very few exceptions, they are empty. And not just in America. In Jerusalem’s Old City, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, a major pilgrimage center for Christians all over the world, was closed.

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Passover, Easter, Ramadan — and interfaith America in action

Passover is about how a people who stay steadfast in hope can be liberated as a community from Mitzrayim, “a narrow place.” Easter is the death of one paradigm and the rising of another. Ramadan commemorates the end of jahiliyya, “the period of darkness,” which is vanquished in the emerging light of the Quran.

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How People Learn to Become Resilient

Norman Garmezy, a developmental psychologist and clinician at the University of Minnesota, met thousands of children in his four decades of research. But one boy in particular stuck with him. He was nine years old, with an alcoholic mother and an absent father.

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The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing

Turning outward to one another as the coronavirus locks us down. Many years ago, there was a debate at my rural church about whether the pastor needed a cellular telephone for his ministry. They were expensive, so, of course, the argument was partly about whether paying for one was a responsible use of parish funds.

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